Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Where today's politics is moving..Everyday the media is comparing our politicians to leaders of world level...while the comparison of no one stands at all...Today I want to speak about Mayawati...Who is in news everyday..not for doing good job ...But how to become Prime minister of India...This sometimes give me immense shock, Mayawati should concentrate in U.P. which is passing throgh very bad shape and needs to be operated to achieve the mission. She has been given a full majority strength by the people of U.P.

She should frame the policies to upliftment of siciety, upliftment of education standard in state specially in poor and backword society, Health care, Infrastructure, State Transport facilities, Rural development, Power situation in state. There are so many unanswered operation which needs to be carried out immediately keeping in mind a long term goals of the state.
I am sure, if Mayawati will take one step every month, she will complete task with in a year and then she should give her full time in implementation of the policies which are formulated by her.

Instead of doing the work for the public the so said politicians are damaging the U.P. and once time is over it will take more time to bring back on the road.Here I want to appeal all people that they must vote only for policies not for parties.


The Commission has a seperate Secretarist at New Delhi consisting of about 300 officials,in a hierarchical set up. Two Deputy Election Commissioners who are the the senior most officers in the Secreteriat assist the Commission.They are generally appointed from the national civil servise of thr country and ara selected and appointed by the Commission with tenure.Directors,Principal Secretaries and Secreteries,Under Secreteries and Deputy Directors support the Deputy Election Commissioners in turn.There is functional and territorial distribution of work in the Commission.The work is organised in Divisions,Branches, and sections each of the last mentioned units is in charge of a Section Officers.The main functional divisions are Planning,Judicial,administration,Information Systems,Media and Secretariat Co-ordination.

                                                                  At the district and constituency levels,the District Election Officers,Electarol Registration Officers and Returning Officers,who are assisted by a lage number of junior functionaris , perform eletion work. they all perform their funtions relating to elections in addition ot their other responsibility. During eletion time ,however, they are available to the Commission , more or less,on afull time basis.

International Co-opration

India is a fouding member of the International Institute for Democracy and Eletroral Assistance (IDEA),Stockholm,Sweden. In the recent past , the Commission has expanded international contacts
by way the sharing of experience and exprtise in the area of Electrol Managment and Adeministration, Electoral Laws and Reforms.Delegates of the Commission have visits Sweden.U.K, Russia,Bangladesh, and the Phillipines in recent years.Eletion Official from the national electoral bodies and other delegates from the several country - Russia,Sri-lanka,Nepal,Indonesia, South Africa,Bangladesh,Thailand,Negeria,Australia,the United States and Afganistan have visited the Commission for a better understanding of the India Eletoral Process.The Commission has also provided experts and observers for eletions to other countries in co-opration with the United Nations and the Commonweath Secretarist.


Political parties are resistered with the election commission under the the law.The Commission ensures inner party democracy in their funtioning by insisting upon them to hold their organizational elections at periodic intervals. Political parties so resisterd with it are granted recognition at the states and National levels by the Election Commission on the basis of their poll  performance at general elections accordind to criteria prescibed by it.The entires process takes between 5 to 8 weeks for the national election and 4 to 5 weeks for a seprate election only for legislative assembly.

The Commission as a part of its quasi-judicial jurisdiction also settles disputes between the splinter groups of such recognised parties. Election Commission ensures a level playing field for the political parties in election fray through strict observance by them of a Model Code of Conduct evolved with the political parties. The Commission holds periodical consultations with the political parties on matter connected with the conduct of elections compilence of Model Code of Conduct and new measures proposed to be introduced by the Commission on election related matters.


The origins of politica geography lie in the origins of human geography itself and the early practitioners were concerned mainly with the military and political consequences of the relationships between physical geography , states territories and state power.In particular there was a close association with regional geography,with its focus on the unique characteristics of regions and enviromental determinism with its emphasis on the influence of the physical enviroment on human activities.

The British geographer Halford Mackinder was also heavily influenced by environmental determinism and in developing his concept of the 'geopolitical pivot of history' or heartland (first developed in 1904) he argued that the era of sea power was coming to an end and that lands best powers were in the ascendent and in particularthat whoever controlled the heartland of 'Euro-Asia' would control the world.This perspective proved influentiol throughout the cold war underpinning military thinking about the creation of buffer states between East & West in central Europe. 


India has a multi-party system with a predominance of small regional parties.Political parties that wish to contest local,state or national elections are required to be registered by the Election Commission of India(EC).In order to gain recognition in a state, the party must have had political activity for at least five continues years,and send at least 4%of the state quote to the lok sabha (India's lower house),or 3.33%of member to that state's assembly.

These conduction are deemed to have failed if a member of the lok sabha or the legislative assembly of the state becomes a member of that political party after his election.If a party is recognised in four or more states ,it is declared as a "National Party" by the EC.Otherwise, it is known as a "State Party".

All parties contesting elections have to choose a symbol from a list of available symbols offered by the Election Commission.All 28 states along with the union territory of pondicherry and the National Capital Territory of Delhi usually have an elected goverment unless President's rule is impossed under certain condition.

Monday, August 16, 2010

act aims

The act aims to provided three tier system of panchayati raj for all states having population of over 2 million,to hold panchayat election regularly every five years,to provide reservation of seats for scheduled castes,scheduled tribes and women,to appoint state finance commision to make the recomendetion as regard the financial powers of the panchayat and to constitute.

Today all country to bad things in political.In everybody now to all any attack in city to make in political party.They are many explotion or attack in peoples.A big situation in Nepal after day in closed to 24 days&so sad in this time.

So, I say for all public suggest you can give the votes in bad politician you can't save our lives.politics is not for bad but some politician are bad.Your votes are so important and take care of votes.

economic policy

The economic policies of most other parties do not go much further then providing populist subsidies and reservation.sometimes political, social and economics circumtances and public opinion are the reason for other paties failed.The bhartiya janta party is looked upon with grase as a political party that is indeed encouraging to market economy.

The political party for congress to make a good and we proud of him.Jawaharlal Nehru has a first prime minister in India.Mohandas Gandhi is a father of our nation.Indira Gandhi is a first lady in prime minister and she doing well.And some politician name as Rajiv Gandhi,Sonia Gandhi,Manmohan singh,Lalu Prasad Yadav,and many more.

In late 19th century

In late 19th century,the term"political economy"was generally replaced by the terms of economy used by thoose seeking to place the study of economy upon mathematicals and axiomatic bases,rather than the structed retionships of production and consumption.Today,political economy, where it is not used for economic.It is available as an area of study in certain colleges and universities.It is then that political economy ntakes shapes.

Two-party are states such as India,Nepal,and Pakistan in which ther are two political parties dominant to such an extent that election success under the banner of any other party is almost impossible They dominent party opposition parties are allowed and there are may be even a deeply established democretic tradition but other parties are widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power.